The World of Rolland Golden


Artist Bio
Born: Rolland Harve Golden, New Orleans, LA. November 8, 1931 and died July 1, 2019
ART EDUCATION: 1957 Graduated - John McCrady Art School, New Orleans, LA
Brief Bio: ROLLAND GOLDEN, nationally recognized artist, resided in Folsom, LA & Natchez, MS.. Golden is listed in many art directories, including WHO'S WHO IN AMERICAN ART and won countless awards from New York to California. He had over 100 one-man shows in galleries, cultural centers and museums in the US, as well as one-man touring exhibitions (Invitationals) and, notably, in the (former) USSR in 1976-77, and in France 1993-95. Golden's works are in countless private and corporate collections in the US and abroad and also many museums, including the New Orleans Museum of Art, the Pushkin Museum, Moscow and the Ogden Museum of Southern Art. & the Morris Museum of Southern Art. Golden is a member of many important national art organizations, including the National Arts Club in New York (First Place winner 3 times). He also juried many prestigious exhibitions. Golden's work is published in numerous art books and magazines, including his memoir titled: ROLLAND GOLDEN: LIFE, LOVE, & ART IN THE FRENCH QUARTER (2014) by Rolland Golden, as well as, KATRINA: DAYS OF TERROR, MONTHS OF ANGUISH (2007) by John R. Kemp, ROLLAND GOLDEN: JOURNEYS OF A SOUTHERN ARTIST (2005) by John R. Kemp, THE WORLD OF ROLLAND GOLDEN (1970), by Don Lee Keith, AMERICAN ARTIST and their WATERCOLOR magazine; ART IN THE AMERICAN SOUTH, Works from the (Roger) Ogden Collection, as well as SPLASH, AMERICA'S BEST CONTEMPORARY WATERCOLORISTS; EASY SOLUTIONS: COLOR MIXING WATERCOLOR; BEST OF OIL PAINTING; BEST OF WATERCOLOR PAINTING; BEST OF ACRYLIC PAINTING; CREATIVE PORTRAITS and CREATIVE INSPIRATIONS to name a few.